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Culinary Pamphlets Online

In the Kitchen


Sunbeam Controlled Heat Automatic Frypan

The woman depicted on the cover of this Sunbeam Frypan pamphlet has short, coifed hair and wears a ruffled apron while frying nine eggs in a large frypan. 


The Presto Recipe Book for Little Girls and Their Mothers

As in other images, the woman appears the idealized image of femininity. In the kitchen, with her apron and curled hair, her gaze is directed downward as she frosts a cake.



The woman depicted on the cover of an Ivanhoe Mayonnaise pamphlet is representative of the flapper style, with short, waved hair. She is depicted in a kitchen setting, preparing vegetables for a salad.


The New Jell-O Book of Surprises

As in the Ivanhoe Mayonnaise publication, this woman on the cover of a Jell-O pamphlet appears to represent an earlier flapper style. As usual, she wears an apron and is depicted preparing a number of vibrantly-colored Jell-O molds, probably for a party.