Browse Items (30 total)

Introduction to "For making good things to eat : good food and healthful food is ever to be desired." Includes measurements, suggestions, and recipes for cakes, icings, quick breads, pastry,fried foods, sauces, and candy.

Cover of an illustrated pamphlet of recipes using Jell-O, including entrees, salads, relishes, and desserts. Promotes Jell-O as "new and different and delicious" and "one of the easiest foods in all the world to digest." Cover image, in color,…

Front cover of pamphlet containing recipes for use with Sunbeam Controlled Heat Automatic Frypan. Image, in color, depicts a woman in an apron making fried eggs. Pamphlet includes care instructions for using frypan.
Other Sunbeam appliances…

Inside cover of pamphlet "Royal Desserts and Salads" containing recipes for desserts, salads, and entrees using Royal Quick Setting Gelatin, Royal Salad Gelatin (Aspic), and Royal Puddings. Image, in color, depicts rows of product packaging for Royal…

Inside back cover of pamphlet "Royal Desserts and Salads" containing recipes for desserts, salads, and entrees using Royal Quick Setting Gelatin, Royal Salad Gelatin (Aspic), and Royal Puddings. Image, in color, depicts a woman's manicured hands,…

Cover of an illustrated recipe booklet for fried foods, pastries, cakes, breads, biscuits, muffins, and savory dishes made with Crisco vegetable shortening.
Cover image depicts a woman in an apron in a kitchen with baking supplies, smiling at a boy…

Front and back cover spread of illustrated pamphlet "Meat in the meal for Health Defense", a publication of the U.S. Federal Government for the National Nutrition program, a "vital part of the Nation's defense efforts. Every homemaker can help in…

Inside cover image of illustrated pamphlet "20 Famous Cranberry Dishes..from famous American Eating Places", promoting Ocean Spray cranberry products.
Image depicts rows of jellied cranberry sauce, whole cranberry sauce, and cranberry juice…

Cover of a recipe pamphlet, "Metropolitan Cook Book", intended to aid families in planning "nourishing" meals for "healthful eating". Front cover artwork is black with a diamond pattern and depicts images of various foods.
Pamphlet includes table of…

Cover of a recipe pamphlet, "Metropolitan Cook Book". Front cover artwork is blue with a diamond pattern created by white and red lines. Title is white text in a red circle.
Pamphlet includes table of weights and measures, and recipes and…
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